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The Morning After.this story is part of the FanClub (fm:oral sex, 1739 words)

Author: Knob-Out Picture in profile
Added: May 26 2008Views / Reads: 2312 / 733 [32%]Story vote: 9.00 (4 votes)
Last night was memorable, this morning neither of us will forget... but for different reasons!

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The Morning After

The morning light had just begun to ooze through the limp curtains making me squeeze my eyelids together harder to block it out. I had this burning desire to pee, the fullness in my bladder telling me it had to be soon. I rolled out of bed on to shaky legs and waddled to the bathroom, sat and peed like a horse. I snatched a small piece of tissue from the roll and wiped it lazily along my slit eradicating the last drips attempting to cling to my bare lips.

I jumped as the tissue slid across the tip of my clit, gosh it's still so sensitive, last night was memorable. A small smile slipped across my face as I remembered how Casey had fucked me hard and long. My mons was still tender after banging our pubic mounds together other so hard and fast. Jesus I'd cum so many times last night it must have been a record, don't know why we were both so horny we just were.

I struggled to my feet not flushing the loo not wanting to wake Casey from his obvious deep slumber if the snoring was anything to go by. I waddled back to the bedroom again and lay my head upon the soft feather down pillow. I could feel the warmth of his body emanating through the thin cotton top sheet towards me. His manly sweaty night odour wafted across to my nostrils and for some reason my pussy began to moisten.

I carefully lifted up the sheet and saw his manhood lying limp across ...

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