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Rita's Mystery Manthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 2696 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: May 27 2008Views / Reads: 1589 / 1247 [78%]Story vote: 8.50 (4 votes)
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I've read a lot of stories about husbands who have slut wives, husbands who have turned their women into sluts, wives who have become sluts and rubbed their husbands nose in it, but I think my situation is unique. Over sixteen different men have fuck my wife in the last six months, but she isn't a slut - at least not in generally accepted terms.

It all started at a party to celebrate my promotion to regional sales manager. The party was thrown by my boss at his house and almost everyone I work with was there. My wife Rita loves to drink and party even though she has never been able to hold her liquor very well. Usually I keep an eye on her to try and regulate her intake, but on that night I had so many well wishers and people who wanted to talk to me that I kind of lost track of her for awhile. When I did finally catch up with her I found her passed out in an easy chair in the bosses family room. I went and found my boss and explained that I hated to be a party pooper, but I needed to take Rita home. He suggested that we take her upstairs and lay her down in the guest bedroom and so the two of us took her upstairs. The party ran on for another three hours and when it started breaking up I went upstairs to see if I could wake Rita up. I opened the door to the bedroom and turned on the light and then blinked my eyes because I didn't believe what I saw. Rita's skirt was up around her waist, her underpants were lying on the bed beside her, her legs were spread and I could see a glob of cum on her pussy hair.

Somebody had fucked my wife while she was passed out on the bed. ...

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