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Mark and Momthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 4384 words)

Author: Norseman
Added: Jun 07 2008Views / Reads: 11151 / 9506 [85%]Story vote: 8.94 (18 votes)
Mom gets it on with daughter's husband

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There he stood, at the bar, talking to someone who looked like a hooker. Tall good looking very fit and dressed in blue jeans and polo shirt. Well, to say that he was talking to the hooker might be an overstatement. It was more like the hooker was trying to work on him. The problem with the whole thing was that the person is my son-in-law.

I should start at the beginning. I am a widow who lost my husband of twenty-one years to cancer two years ago. My daughter Kate, who is twenty, married Mark a year ago. Mark who is twenty-four is a Firefighter who works twenty-four hour shifts every third day. So one night he would be at work, another night he would be "on the clock", meaning that he could not consume alcohol, so on the third night would be the night he could go out.

Normally this would not be a big deal because Kate would be with him on those nights. However, Kate was not with him tonight, like she had not been for the past month, because she was in Iraq. Kate is in the Army National Guard and had been deployed to Iraq for twelve months. They had a very stable marriage and I was wondering how stable their marriage would be if Mark became tempted by a hooker.

I knew that Mark had a healthy sex appetite because I had seen enough of him and Kate at home. We live in the same house, or I should say mansion. My husband was the lead partner in a very successful law firm. When he died, I was left with millions and a mansion of a house that ...

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