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The Wigthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2179 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: Stormbringer
Added: Nov 08 2000Views / Reads: 4599 / 4039 [88%]Part vote: 8.80 (5 votes)
Cindy travels to Big Jim's in an attempt to find her sister.

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The Wig copyright 2000 by Stormbringer

Part 2

"I'm worried about Candy honey," said Cindy into the phone. "I"m going to stay here until she shows up. I might not be home until morning."

"Just remember," said her husband Larry. "Don't give her any more money."

"I won't," replied Cindy hanging up the phone.

After fucking the stranger, Cindy had showered and changed back into her dress. She had returned the wig to it's pedestal. She had laid down in her sister's bed and napped for for several hours she was so exhausted from getting the fucking off her life from her sister's drug dealer.

As the hours passed, she became more worried about her sister's whereabouts. The stranger had told her to be at Big JIm's tonight, maybe her sister would show up there?

Cindy rummaged around for a phone book, but couldn't find one. Finally, she called information and asked for an establishment called "Big JIm's." There was one and it had a local number. She called the number, a man answered and she could hear music blaring in the background. ...

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