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Naked Twisterthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:group, 6569 words)

Author: Lynn Picture in profile
Added: Jun 13 2008Views / Reads: 3762 / 3303 [88%]Story vote: 9.67 (6 votes)
A girls night out starts out with a girls night in and then meeting strangers at a club leading to Naked Twister and more.

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I am very recently divorced. The ink is still drying so to speak. After a long nasty fight in court it is time to let loose and have some fun! So, tonight I'm going out with my best friend Aimee. We are going to grab some dinner, hit some bars, hear some bands and see where the night takes us. That is the best kind of plan, one where there is no plan!

It's Friday and Aimes and I plan to meet up right after work. I have my clothes and makeup in the car and I'm going to run over to her house. We can get ready there, since she lives closer to downtown, our destination of the evening. I can't wait for the work day to be over with! It has been a really stressfull week. I am looking forward to downing a few Margaritas!

Finally, it's 5:00! I'm closing up things on my desk. Shutting down the computer, tidying up my desk for the weekend. My phone rings and I look to see who it is. When I say "Hello," Aimee is screaming into my ear so loud, I have to pull the phone away from my ear. She is so revved up about tonight, she's screaming "Lynn, get your ass over here in 5 minutes, the door will be unlocked!" She doesn't wait for me to say anything, she hangs up the phone. I just laugh to myself and hang up.

I grab my purse and head out to the car. I maneuver the rush hour traffic pretty smoothly and get to Aimee's pretty quickly. I park my car next to her's and head up her stairs to her apartment. I love ...

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