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A Hot Night Gets Hotterthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:first time, 1993 words)

Author: Starla
Added: Jun 18 2008Views / Reads: 3932 / 3383 [86%]Story vote: 9.12 (8 votes)
A hot night at the lake doesn't get any cooler when two best friends find a new way to spend a sleepless night.

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In the middle of August, my friends decided to drag me to a lake getaway to keep me distracted from the current issues taking over my life. I was dumped and lost my job in the same month, and I was heading down a one way street of despair. My very two best friends, who happened to be married, Kalen and Nicole, had been very patient and given me some space but they had had enough and were staging their version of an intervention.

Unfortunately, my version of a vacation differed drastically from theirs. I like lavish hotels with room service on the beach and they like camping, hiking, anything outdoors. In my self-pitying stupor, I agreed to go to the lake with them, where we would be staying in a trailer their family owned right on the lake. They filled my head with visions of sunbathing, bar hopping, and total peace of mind. Not so much.

The first day nights we were there were alright. We spent the days on a pontoon, fishing off the dock, shopping at the nearby outlet malls. But by the third day, things started to go downhill. We decided to go to town and make the bar rounds. The plan for them was to find me a man to make me feel better about myself. My plan was to get completely shit-faced. What happened was a little of both.

The night had so far been a total bust in the men department, but I was well on my way to forgetting my own name by the time we reached our ...

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