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Relief of Frustrationthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 4269 words)

Author: RoyWat
Added: Jul 05 2008Views / Reads: 3089 / 2362 [76%]Story vote: 9.38 (8 votes)
This is a story of how my brother's wife relieved her frustrations.

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Relief of Frustration

I am posting the following story on behalf of my brother Bob, the story is written by his wife Jean. See the footnote for his comments.- Roy Wat

My name is Jean and I am forty years old. I have a good marriage to my husband Bob and I love him dearly. Earlier this year Bob started going through a stressful time at the company he works for, he had to work long hours and travel a lot. Our usual frequent sex had become infrequent and when we did make love, Bob would come very quickly leaving me feeling very frustrated. I was also having a stressful time with my sister who was going through a health problem. And I guess turning forty had an extra disturbing effect on me.

I was feeling flat and drained; a close girlfriend noticed and told me what needed was some stress relieving massages. After dismissing the idea at first the more I thought about it the more I agreed I needed some good pampering. I looked through the local paper, an advertisement caught my eye- "A thorough therapeutic massage for women by a caring and understanding male masseur". I wondered if I shouldn't be going to a female but none of their advertisements looked that that good and I though damn it, I deserve the best.

I was pleasantly impressed when I met Jim the masseur. He was in his ...

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