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A birthday to remeber part 1this story is part of the FanClub (ff:infidelity, 1449 words)

Author: ruth Picture in profile
Added: Nov 10 2000Views / Reads: 6316 / 4235 [67%]Story vote: 8.17 (6 votes)
A true story of my recent experience at my best friend/lovers Birthday Party.

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It was just another Friday in Northern Illinois when my friend Kelly called me and asked if I was free tomorrow night and would like to come to her birthday party at her sister's. I told her I had no other plans it sounded like fun.

Now you see Kelly was my old neighbor Dan girl friend and me and my Husband Will have become very close over the past few months. Kelly is on the short side that's why Will refers to her as Dwarf. She about 5 foot and has blue eye, blonde hair, and very athletic. I would say she is about 120lbs and about a 36c as Dan calls her very top heavy.

Well Saturday came very fast and before I knew it Kelly was over to pick me up. After we had a few Jell-O shooter we left to go over to her sisters house. It was a gorgeous house very big and secluded. When we got there Jean , Kelly's sister, and a few other ladies I have never met before we already there and started drinking. Well Kelly took me around and introduced me to everyone. I thought a few of them looked familiar from the Gym and daycare .

After about an hour or so and 3 drinks later the door bell rang and Jean answered the door and there was this tall Red head about 6'2" she was wearing this long gypsy type dress and one of the ladies told me she was the palm reader that Jean had for the Party and we are all going to get our palms read.


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