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Baby Be Mine 8this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1377 words) [7/28] show all parts

Author: Sexylover
Added: Jul 12 2008Views / Reads: 494 / 406 [82%]Part vote: 9.50 (2 votes)
Back home and things start getting complicated.

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"Okay sweetheart, where do you want this stuff?" Tommy asked Melanie as he and Mr. Anderson unloaded her foot locker, jewelry case and suitcase. I guess our bedroom is fine.

"What is in this anyway?" Tommy asked, as he struggled up the stairs with the foot locker.

"Just stuff." She said, not wanting to let Mr. Anderson know.

Once in their bedroom, she had Mr.Anderson pur the heavy jewelry case and suitcase in her closet. She unpacked the few articles of clothing she had brought with her and hung it up.

"Your closet looks pitiful." Tommy teased. He was right. It had less than a dozen hangers with clothing on them and the rest of the huge walk in closet was bare.

"I imtend to take care of that." Melanie replied, and opened the heavy large jewelry case and inspected the contents. Most of the pieces were intricate and held many faceted precious and semi-precious stones.

"Beautiful." Tommy said, looking over her shoulder.

"I haven't really used any of this yet. I forgot how much there was."


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