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Baby Be Mine 11this story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 1843 words) [10/28] show all parts

Author: Sexylover
Added: Jul 17 2008Views / Reads: 349 / 304 [87%]Part vote: 9.50 (2 votes)
Melanie and Tommy try to get on with married life. Also what Megan and Caitlin are up to.

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"Tommy, do you have to be such a slob?" Melanie complains.

He is sitting in the living room of his apartment on a Saturday a few weeks later, watching television.

"Hmmm? What are you talking about?" He asked, thinking how cute she looked dressed casually in a pair of denim shorts and a tank top with no bra, her long hair caught back in a ponytail. She looked so young and fresh, he smiled.

"I am talking about your wet towel and dirty underwear in the bathroom."

"I put it on the hamper."

"Right, on the hamper. How hard is it for you to open it and put it in the hamper?"

"It's full."

"It is empty. You are so lazy! You never even checked!"

Tommy frowned. That was one thing he forgot about Melanie.She was a neat freak, and sometimes it irked him. She was always fixing something and arranging and organizing stuff that he banned her from ...

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