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Author: No one U no
Added: Jul 25 2008Views / Reads: 1691 / 7 [0%]Part vote: 8.33 (3 votes)
Tina hates her roommates squeaky bed.

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This is a story about how I gave my roommate, Ryan an utlimatum.

My name is Tina and I am 21 years old. I am five foot five about 115 lbs with long blond hair and green eyes. All of my past boyfriends have also told me that I have a fantastic set of tits. They are perky and firm and a 36D.

My roommate Ryan is quite the looker. He works out at the gym nearly every day and the result is a toned body. He also has blond hair, almost white blond and striking blue eyes. He jokes that his ancestors must have been Vikings because of his Scandinavian looks. I remind him the Vikings were never in NY but then he asks me what about New Amsterdam?

Anyhow, he was a good roommate. Not overly sloppy, didn't hog all the milk or welch on the rent. All in all, a very amicable set up. My one complaint was his ever changing girlfriend. I didn't mind the flavor of the week spending the night, but also knew I would not get any sleep.

Ryan has this wrought iron cast bed that squeaks like hell whenever there is activity on it and of course, being a young single attractive guy like Ryan, that was frequently.

After a dizzying array of beautiful women, Ryan started seeing this blond girl named Kelli. I hated her. She was so prissy and stuck-up ...

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