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House of Cardsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 3437 words) [9/10] show all parts

Author: Richard Wadsworth
Added: Jul 28 2008Views / Reads: 1248 / 865 [69%]Part vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
Alyse is invited to a gala event

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Alyse moved forward on her way through the wooded landscape that continued to thin of its arboreal ornaments and thick patches of shrubbery until a large three story cottage that lie in the distance began to come into view. Alyse soon found herself moving through a heart shaped wooden gate and stepping across the large expanse of the front lawn as she headed toward a bright red painted door embedded in the front of the house.

Alyse stood in place on the welcome mat and knocked on the door. She didn't have to wait long before the portal was pulled open and she was staring at the face of a delightfully pleased looking masculine individual. "Hello," he said. "May I help you?"

"Yes," Alyse replied. "I was wondering if by any small chance you might be aware if someone named Jack had recently stopped by this address. You see, I've spent this entire day looking..."

"Jack!?!" Alyse watched this young man's eyes spread open wide with surprise as he took a step back, pulling the door open even further as he moved. "Jack, is it? Well if you're looking for Jack you'll find him inside. He arrived here earlier. He's inside helping Sasha prepare. Come on in," he said, stepping aside. Alyse complied with his invitation, moving across the threshold of the doorway and entering the domicile. "The name's Martin," he said, shutting the door behind her. "And you are?" ...

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