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Author: shadypony
Added: Jul 29 2008Views / Reads: 1987 / 1597 [80%]Part vote: 9.20 (10 votes)
Once a tomboy, my husband endeavors to transform me into a new woman. What happens next exceeds both of our expectations. Could be categorized as voyeurism, or anal, or first time.

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I sat in front of our bedroom mirror the other day, studying my own body. I had a nice shape, and was in great physical condition for my age. I had always felt good about myself, and presented myself with great confidence. Things had started to change lately, as new feelings of womanhood kept entering my mind. They were brought on solely by my fiancé, who is very verbal, and appreciative of my body and all it has to offer.

I looked at my breasts, noting their petite size. They were small, but responsive, and all of my lovers comment on how nice they are. I rubbed my fingers over one nipple, and it answered me with a hardened firmness. It felt good, and I couldn't help but reach down my body, past my torso to my freshly shaved pussy. As I spread my legs to the mirror, I admired the pink soft flesh, and spread my lips open to see my glistening opening. I slid a finger into the wet crevice of my cunt, and then brought it to my lips noting the clean fresh scent and slight taste of my juices. Many men have complimented me on the beauty and freshness of my pussy, and I smiled to myself, wishing that my man were here now to place his hot tongue on my eager lips.

As I thought about my guy, I looked at myself again, this time with a little more criticism. I had grown up as a tomboy. "One of the guys" so to speak. I love sex, and gave myself freely when I was younger, but never really went prowling for men, as my girlfriends did. I had always had a boyish shape as far as I was concerned, and never dressed in a ...

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