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The Spellthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 1069 words)

Author: hm582
Added: Aug 03 2008Views / Reads: 3472 / 2147 [62%]Story vote: 9.50 (4 votes)
H's brief moment of teasing pushes R closer and closer to sexual explosion throughout her day.

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R awoke slowly from her alarm to the knowledge that she had much to do before her class arrived that morning. She gave herself the reprieve of the snooze button, and snuggled into the bare chest of her fiancé, H.

He was still sound asleep, but murmured his approval and wrapped his arms tightly around her. She could feel him hard against her, She smiled, reaching for him, and caressing his cock as he slowly thrusted into her hand.

"I want you to burn for me today," she said, softly tracing her nails along his shaft.

"I know you'll burn for me," he replied, and licking his fingers three times, he reached inside her panties and slowly circled R's clit three times.

"What was that, some kind of spell?," R wondered aloud.

But H just smiled knowingly and went back to sleep.

As it often did, H's touch lingered on R as she prepared for her day that morning. As the warm water cascaded over her naked body, she felt it pour down onto her soft pubic hair. However, each time the water found her clit, she felt herself becoming sexually aroused. She tried to push the feeling out of her mind, but she could not help lingering a ...

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