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The Lust of the Generalthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:sex at work, 7918 words)

Author: Becky Douglas
Added: Aug 09 2008Views / Reads: 3838 / 3294 [86%]Story vote: 9.70 (10 votes)
Captain Miranda Grant lusts for her new commanding officer, General Rebecca Lee; but soon discovers that her lust is nothing compared to that of the General's.

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The Lust of the General

By Becky Douglas


This story is a complete work of fiction; all characters and situations. It does contain reference to actual historical figures, implying fictional distant family relation to the characters.

My name is Captain Miranda Grant; United States Army. I am thirty-one years old, a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and am currently stationed at Fort Bliss, just outside of El Paso, Texas. I was born and raised in central Ohio, and in case you didn't notice, my last name is Grant. Yes, I am a descendant of the great Union General and former President, Ulysses S. Grant. Now you might be under the impression that my family was military through and through. Well, we weren't; at least not from my grandfather down through my father. But from a very early age, the warrior spirit flowed through my veins and I knew that one day I wanted to be a soldier. I had two older brothers and we used to play war games all the time with other neighborhood kids as we were growing up. I had absolutely no interest in playing house, dolls or any other stereo-typical activities associated with being a little girl. In fact, I don't even remember having any girl friends. I hung out with ...

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