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The Second Text Messagethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:voyeurism, 2988 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: M.Man
Added: Aug 27 2008Views / Reads: 675 / 558 [83%]Part vote: 9.50 (4 votes)
Would be good to read Part 1 first, in voyeurism section but has adultery and other bits and pieces and a bit of a twist at the end. Got a bit hard to describe, hope i didn't loose the plot.

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The Second Text Message.

The next morning Lee was just about to get into his car when Andy his neighbour called to him, "Lee here a minute."

Lee walked over to their adjoining wall.

"Wow Lee, you had a good time last night didn't you?" said Andy grinning.

"What do you mean Andy?"

"Well I was outside having a cig last night and I thought I heard a prowler in the bushes at the back of our gardens."

"I went to look and.... saw you of all people, perving on Sarah."

"Then after five minutes or so you went in and gave her a good fucking!"

"Ssssshhhhh, tell you what I'll see you tonight about nine for a pint tonight. I'll explain then!" whispered Lee.

"Oh ok Lee, look forward to it, see you."


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