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My first concertthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 1435 words)

Author: Shayla Picture in profile
Added: Sep 04 2008Views / Reads: 1652 / 1249 [76%]Story vote: 9.07 (15 votes)
This is what happened the night of my first rock concert.

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I went to my first rock concert the summer after my high school graduation. It was a Def Leppard concert, and I was really excited to see them live. My girlfriend and I got general admission tickets and were on the lawn at the back of the amphitheatre.

I was wearing a button front sheer black lace shirt, black bra, black lace tights with black panties, a denim coat, and a very short denim skirt with black fuck me pumps when my brother dropped me off at my friend's house. My girlfriend talked me into getting rid of my bra and panties before we left for the show. It was our girl's night out, so I did it to be sexy for the guys. It was a warm August night, so I knew I would be warm enough outdoors.

We met a couple of guys at the show. The one that seemed to like me was older, but cute, and took a real interest in me, dancing with me every few songs. He had a flask with tequila that he shared with me while we danced. His friend had some marijuana, and we all smoked some and I got pretty buzzed.

During the song Love Bites, I started dancing pretty dirty, grinding my butt against his crotch. He took off my jacket and fondled my tits through my shirt. Sometime before the song ended, he removed my skirt, leaving me dancing in the dark wearing just my tights and lace shirt. I stayed like this for the rest of the show, carrying my clothes out to the parking lot. I wasn't naked, but I wanted to be and my outfit left ...

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