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A FIRST TIME FOR EVERYTHINGthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 8147 words)

Author: callmekate
Added: Sep 08 2008Views / Reads: 3083 / 2589 [84%]Story vote: 9.44 (16 votes)
What happened when I had sex with someone other than my husband for the first time

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Hello everyone, my name is Kate, well not really but I daren't use my real one or those of other people in this account of when I went astray one weekend.

My husband is a couple of years older than me, and works as electrician, meaning that with his little side jobs where people contact him when they have emergency he earns a decent living wage for us and in recent months he has begun working abroad to earn even more money for us. We're both in our twenties and live in Yorkshire, northern England and although the house we own now is alright, we want something bigger, newer and better, plus we want to start a family soon but want all this without a huge mortgage hanging like a millstone around our necks, so I put up with the loneliness. As for me, I work in a local supermarket.

The first time he went was the worst, as you would imagine and I spent most nights crying myself to sleep but when he returned home and showed me just how much his month away had earned us it made all the trials and tribulations of the past month seem worthwhile. He had been paid over six month's wages for just that one month and is due back in a few days from his fourth month away.

This visit was different though because when he'd been away for about two weeks Ann, his married sister whose husband works with mine came to stay for a weekend. We had been talking to each other every night on the phone and I think she began realising that I needed some company. ...

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