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Hidden Treasure.this story is part of the FanClub (ff:first time, 4294 words) [1/5] show all parts

Author: Knob-Out Picture in profile
Added: Sep 19 2008Views / Reads: 3380 / 2998 [89%]Part vote: 9.27 (11 votes)
With Bimbo looks Jessie had no need to seek out relationships, boys came to her but that was all about to change with the arrival of a new neighbour!

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Hidden treasure

Everyone I know has always looked at me as though I am a ‘Bimbo'. In their defence I can see why, if I were them then I would more than likely think the same after all I'm blessed with Barbie's qualities.

I'm Jessie, 19 years old with platinum blonde hair 36DD boobs, 5'9" tall and a body to die for get the picture? Well I can tell you it's not easy being me. Every male that set's eyes on me wants to fuck my brains out which if I were a ‘Bimbo' then I would enjoy but I'm not so I don't.

I go to the gym regularly to work out and come away exhausted but elated but having been thoroughly harassed by every guy there. I tell you it's not nice being me but then I suppose it's better than being just a ‘Plain Jane',or so I thought.

About three weeks or so ago I came home from my usual workout and went straight round to the back of our house where my parents were having a little get together with some friends and our new neighbours who I hadn't met yet.

Unusually for England it was a beautiful summer day with clear blue skies and a golden sun that lifted yours spirits and if you closed your eyes you could imagine yourself in Spain or Greece walking on a hot ...

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