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Monique and the Gnome, Later that nightthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 4538 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Old Mike
Added: Sep 27 2008Views / Reads: 311 / 243 [78%]Part vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
Monique and I continue our sexual adventures.

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Consciousness was returning slowly. The heaviness of sleep began to lift from me. I was on my back and the memory, of what transpired before sleep overtook me, came flooding back to my mind. With that, came the realization that Monique's head was not on my shoulder.

Rapidly following that realization was the sensation of something happening between my legs. My cock was housed in something warm and flexing, moving slightly up and down the base. The tip was housed in something wet and warm and something very soft and special was stroking over and around it. I opened my eyes and looked down. In the dim light filtering into the room through the drawn curtains, I saw Monique's eyes looking up at me, her small hand wrapped around my cock, the top half hidden within her smiling lips. I had been awakened by a goddess taking me to heaven! How could I not fall in love with this exquisite beauty?

I continued to watch her oral worship of my cock, reveling in the sensations she was generating with her hand, lips and tongue. From my perspective, Monique could continue what she was doing, without interruption, for the rest of our lives. However, I knew that it would end all too soon, one way or another. I decided then how to move the activity forward, just as she removed her fingers, except for one and her thumb from my cock. With her thumb and remaining finger, she ...

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