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The Rest of the Storythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:exhibitionism, 2015 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: J P Picture in profile
Added: Oct 05 2008Views / Reads: 596 / 469 [79%]Part vote: 9.00 (4 votes)
when I selected a few toys to bring with me to give to my girlfriend, I never expected the toys to have the ability to bring so much joy to others, I knew both myself and my girlfriend would enjoy them, but beyond that......

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Authors note, even though this story is a follow up to a previous story titled, "Glad to be Back", it is not necessary to have read the previous submission

We were seated at a booth in a dark section of the bar and one of my girlfriends friends, had just joined us. Lilly got up to go to the bathroom and Jen and I were talking and listening to the music. Jen told me she knew Lilly was very happy I was there and had been looking forward to this visit very much. Jen had joined Lilly and I on more then one occasion in the past for some very hot times and as a result, we could talk about anything. I told Jen to make sure she watches Lilly's face when she returns and is seated. After Lilly was back, I waited about a minute or so and then as Lilly had just reached for her drink, I turned the control on the remote controlled vibrating device she was wearing to level one. Lilly was startled and spilled some of her drink on her chest and the cool liquid dripped between her breasts and made her cleavege shine in the dimly lit atmosphere.

Lilly moaned and realized I had turned on the control she knew I had, and shifted and squirmed in her seat. Jen had no idea what was happening and was just looking right at Lilly to try and figure out just what was going on. I then increased the vibrations and turned the control to level 2. Lilly moaned and brought one of her hands up to her mouth and very seductively sucked her finger. She then reached down slightly and dipped her finger in between her tits and rubbed it ...

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