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Vampire Lover!!this story is part of the FanClub (fm:sci-fi/fantasy, 2244 words)

Author: PurpleMistress Picture in profile
Added: Oct 08 2008Views / Reads: 1046 / 839 [80%]Story vote: 9.50 (10 votes)
I love Halloween, so I couldn't resist doing something to capture my sexual and spooky side.....enjoy!

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I've always had a fascination for vampires. Even when I was a little girl, I would envision being sexually taken by one. There is something so sensual, sexy and arousing about them.

Being bitten on the neck would make me so hot, as I watched in envy as some poor woman was taken over by the Prince Of Darkness. I wanted to be the one being bitten as I watch vampire horror movies and get aroused form their smooth charm and enticing eyes. What a way to go. For a long time growing up I would think they were real and long to come across one in the future.

Christopher Lee was my favorite vampire on the screen and to watch him would make me wet with desire as I lay in bed thinking of him taking me sexually and then biting my neck as I neared orgasm. Crazy, maybe but hot nonetheless. I had some great orgasms dreaming of this and Halloween soon became one of my favorite holidays.

Knowing I will get to go to my yearly visits to a haunted house or travel to places that have the actors getting people involved in the scene of a crime engulfed me. I get excited when October rolls around as I await my next invitation to a scary or wicked place to intrigue me. Last year I visited Lizzie Borden's house and the thrill of it made me excited, especially as I walked through the town itself and saw all the vampires walking around. I wanted to be taken by one. I decided to attend the "Festival Of Ghouls" that night and grant my wish. ...

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