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Hidden Treasure. (3)this story is part of the FanClub (ff:first time, 3014 words) [3/5] show all parts

Author: Knob-Out Picture in profile
Added: Oct 09 2008Views / Reads: 1212 / 1012 [83%]Part vote: 9.67 (3 votes)
Becky and Jessie have a great night but WOW! What a surprise in the morning!!

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Hidden Treasure. (3)

I felt like that insurance comparison site on the tele, ‘Confused.Com'. My head and feelings were in absolute turmoil. I still looked at guys when I was out but my head was devouring girls I mean what's that all about? One minute I could see a nice lump in the crotch of some fit guy then my eyes were being drawn to a thong poking out the top of a pair of jeans giving me a mental image of them encasing a hot pussy!!

I shudder every time I think of Rebecca laying there with her feet up round her ears showing me her juiced up open hole but it's not a shudder of distaste oh no it's just the opposite it's one that makes my juices flow all too much.

I heard the front door bell ring and went to answer it. It was Rebecca's mother Joyce. "Hi Jessica I wondered if you would like to have a meal with us this Saturday evening. Rebecca certainly has taken quite a shine to you and well she hasn't any other friends round here so I thought it might be nice, for both of you that is, not just for Rebecca but if you're otherwise busy then no mind another time maybe." She said with that sad doe eye look.

"Er yes okay Mrs. Wilson that would be nice thankyou." I replied and her face broke into a smile.


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