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The weekend to remember part 1this story is part of the FanClub (fm:swingers, 1080 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: sexyandfun Picture in profile
Added: Oct 14 2008Views / Reads: 1494 / 5 [0%]Part vote: 8.44 (9 votes)
A weekend with my swinger friends and an old friend. Sex and alcohol, what more can a group of friends need?? Part 1 of 2

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It started out as any weekend would. My friend Ashers and her husband Wayne invited me over to hang out. Ashers said she had a hot guy she wanted to introduce me to since I'm single ( Jax is also her coworker's son!!). I'm also Bi and so is Ash. ( Ashers and Wayne have an open marriage, so things tend to get a bit wild!!!)

I head over to their place around 8:00p on Friday night. Ashers and I get all dressed up for the guys and then head out on a quick "Booze run". While we are gone Wayne orders some pizza and starts drinking. We get back and pour ourselves a drink and sit down to wait for Jax (the single guy she wanted to introduce me to). Around 10pm Jax shows up. I turn around to say "hi" and we meet glances. " I KNOW YOU!!!!" I scream. Turns out Ashers is wanting to hook me up with an old boyfriend from high school. Thus starts the real fun.

Jax, Wayne, Ashers and I all start drinking. Ashers and I decide to spice things up. We excuse ourselves to the bedroom to change. I put on this sexy black dress and she puts on this sexy black skirt and corset top. We walk back into the living room and turn on some music. We're dancing together and laughing and we start to smile. The guys are watching our every move. She leans in and grabs my hips and pulls me close to her. I wink at Wayne and kiss Ashers. The guys gasp. Wayne butts in but it's not Ashers he is after. He kisses me while I'm pressed up against Ashers. Ashers lets go of me and goes over to Jax. I look up briefly to see Jax and her making out. ...

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