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The Weekendthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 14510 words)

Author: David Philip
Added: Oct 16 2008Views / Reads: 1200 / 692 [58%]Story vote: 9.00 (3 votes)
Having just gone through a divorce a female friend comes to visit the author and his wife having just discovered that they are into orgasm denial, swinging and some light BDSM.

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The Weekend

Story Description: Having just gone through a divorce a female friend comes to visit the author and his wife having just discovered that they are into denial, swinging and some light BDSM.

Chapter One: Arrival

You come down to visit us in Miami for a weekend four weeks into one of my orgasm denial sessions. I have been going crazy with Rhonda's constant teasing and your sexy emails. By this time you have been emailing back and forth with Rhonda about what she has been putting me through and loving it! We pick you up at the airport and head directly home, both of you are dripping wet knowing that you are going to torture me as soon as we arrive. Once home we rush upstairs to the bedroom with both of you giggling the entire way. Rhonda tells me to strip and lay down on the bed with my pulsating and dripping cock standing straight up. She is very excited to show you how to drive me completely to the edge but not let me cum and you can't wait to do it. First she walks over to me and starts to stroke my rock hard cock. While doing this she tells you how I usually can't last more than 20 strokes when it has been this long since I have cum. She looks me in the eye and says "don't you dare cum, no matter what we do to you, or you may never feel my pussy on your cock again!" She starts to stroke me very fast, knowing that it will be almost impossible not to cum and ...

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