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It Started One Day at Starbucksthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 8037 words)

Author: Raingirl Picture in profile
Added: Oct 16 2008Views / Reads: 6868 / 6208 [90%]Story vote: 9.71 (31 votes)
It starts one day at Starbucks when a gal my age draws me into my first lesbian encounter. I start to feel guily about going behind my husband's back, so she suggests we have him join us.

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It all started one day at Starbucks.

My name is Julia. I'm 25 years old and have been married to James for three years now. Six months ago, I gave birth to our first child, James Junior. My husband is an attorney and his schedule as a relatively new associate requires 50 to 60 hours a week which means I have a lot of time home alone.

I have tried to keep myself occupied by going to a yoga class three times a week, and I also love relaxing at Starbucks in the afternoon with a mocha and a bite of something sweet. My local Starbucks has a kind of "L" shape to it and I usually find a seat around the corner, out of the way so I can read my book, breast feed Junior and sip my mocha.

One day, as I went to find my normal seat around in my secluded corner and there was another young woman sitting in one of the over-stuffed chairs directly across from my usual spot. I smiled politely at her as I rolled Junior's stroller next to the other chair and say down with my drink.

As I pulled Junior out of his stroller, the woman said "Oh, you have such a beautiful baby!"

"Why thank you, he's six months old today!" I said as I turned him to ...

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