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Neighborly carethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2456 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: ravs
Added: Oct 16 2008Views / Reads: 5013 / 3808 [76%]Part vote: 8.82 (17 votes)
How it helps to have neighbors who care

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It was a Monday morning. I woke up with a bad migraine; I knew I should not have had too much to drink the previous evening. I decided to take the day off and stay at home and sleep it off.

It was past 12 in the afternoon when I got up to the doorbell ringing. I dragged myself to the door to answer it. I opened the door to see my neighbor. I stay in an apartment, I don't interact much with anyone as most of the time am busy at work or traveling. I had seen her a few times, even smiled an acknowledgement once in a while. She said hi and asked me if I knew how to fix a fuse? I nodded a yes. She asked me if I could help her fix a blown fuse at her place, I told her will be with her I a few. I closed the door, brushed my teeth washed up and went and knocked on their door.

I checked her fuse and cut some fuse wire and fixed it for her. We made small talk as I finished. She asked me if I had the day off and I told her the reason I was at home. She offered to make me some coffee, I politely refused and bidding goodbye went back to my place.

It was almost 1:30 and I could feel the pangs of hunger. I decided to get up and make myself a sandwich. I was checking the refrigerator when the bell rang. I walked up to open the door when I saw my neighbor. She had a plate in her hand; she told me she had got me some lunch. I thanked her saying there was no need for it. She just smiled and told me she was just being a good neighbor. ...

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