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The Awakening IIthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 1105 words) [2/7] show all parts

Author: nycbabe
Added: Oct 17 2008Views / Reads: 638 / 545 [85%]Part vote: 8.67 (3 votes)
Things get a little more interesting. Still not much sex...future installments to cum.

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Sadie knew all the songs that Storm showed her. She knew all the classics after playing the piles of records for her mom all those years and while they didn't have a lot of money, Sadie's mom always made sure that Sadie had a rather decent CD collection with recent albums arriving during her birthday or Christmas. Sadie also listened to the radio endlessly. It was one of the few pleasures she indulged in most her young life. Her mom spent the better part of her days in bed watching soap operas and game shows and Sadie couldn't stand either one.

She went to the bathroom and smoothed the skirt of her red dress. She smiled at her reflection upon Storm's reaction to her dress. A dress she would never had bought until Storm threw the challenge in her face to dress "sexy." She had gone to the nearest department store and used some of her precious money and bought the dress at the advice of the sweet young saleslady who assured her the dress was sexy and even helped her pick out a few other "sexy" pieces. Her own wardrobe was rather drab and boring and she knew it. She hoped that she would be able to make enough money to rectify that but in the meantime, she had to try to get along with Storm, as horrid as he seemed to be. At least Jordan was nice.

Much later that night, Storm emptied the tip jar and counted it. He took half and gave it to Sadie.


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