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An Unusual Office Workthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 2094 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Erotica_Lover Picture in profile
Added: Oct 24 2008Views / Reads: 2171 / 1281 [59%]Part vote: 9.00 (5 votes)
I thought I would be able to complete my office work before going on a vacation but ...

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We have been friends for quite a long time but this friendship remained limited to internet chatting, hot flirting and sexual innuendos of words and phrases. Although we were living in the same city and know each other's address and location but we never committed to meet. During this long internet friendship, I had been involved in serious relationships with a few girls and she'd always had a few fuck buddies, friends with benefits I mean ;), and we shared our sexual experiences with each other, but never did we think about meeting in person and doing the hot stuff that we'd always been talking about. An interesting thing in this friendship was that I'd never seen her picture or viewed her on cam, nor had she me. It was such a loose chain...our relationship you know.

Another interesting thing about our friendship was she was 11 years senior to me, but she had passions and emotions like a 20ish girl. When it came to sex, she was highly imaginative, creative, forward and open-minded. I learned a lot from her experiences and she learnt a bit too from mine.

Once I made a plan with two of my friends to go on a vacation in Hawaii for a week and completed my preparations a day before our departure. However, there were a few things in office which I had to take care of before flying there. So I got to office, started my computer, logged on to yahoo while checking my emails, and there she was on yahoo. We exchanged pleasantries and she told me that she was feeling lonely as ...

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