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Author: PurpleMistress Picture in profile
Added: Oct 24 2008Views / Reads: 951 / 645 [68%]Story vote: 9.62 (8 votes)
I learned to make extra money using my voice.....

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The phone rang insistently when I finally picked it up irritated that my shower was interrupted. "Finish making me cum bitch" was the response I get even before I can say hello. "Excuse Me"!! I said with a nasty voice as a second of silence gave over the line. "I'm sorry Miss, is this 555-2929"? "No"! I replied still irritated. "Just who are you trying to reach"? Waiting for his answer, he finally said, "I was on the phone with a sex chat line and got knocked off". "I'm really sorry, I must have dialed wrong". I calmed down realizing he meant no harm.

"It's okay, I was in the shower and ran out to answer the phone, didn't mean to be so rough on the phone". I was starting to feel bad. "You really have a nice voice", he stated. Most people have told me this most of my life and one lover suggested that I should do phone sex as a living. I have more of a brain and intellect for that, but have always been flattered by this. Relaxing more, I didn't want the strange caller to think poorly of me, so I encouraged him try again and I knew he would reach the sex line again.

"Please don't go yet" he begged. Intrigued, I stayed on the phone. "Why"? I asked. You have such a hot voice and my dick is rising again just talking to you. "I don't know if I can help you", I stated but knew my pussy felt differently. "This is not a sex line". I reminded the caller. "I realize that, but what would the harm be if we just talked each other into explosion". "I'm sitting her stroking my cock and wishing you were do it for me". He purred through the line, his ...

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