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Mrs. Plum's Story Part IIIthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 3277 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: Wheels
Added: Oct 31 2008Views / Reads: 461 / 295 [64%]Part vote: 9.50 (2 votes)
Mrs Plum tries to bring together the two younger lovers. Does she succeed?

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That night, all three of us sat together in Mrs. Plum's living room. Janet had by now introduced herself. I was surprised to find she stayed above me. Mrs. Plum went to make some coffee. We both wanted to help, but she said she could manage. So I was left with Janet. I observed her closely.

Her brown hair was quite thick. She had now arranged it in a bun. Her face was not what you could call beautiful, but there was something in it that made you look twice. She had high cheek bones. The lips were a little thin, and slightly parted. They showed her top row of teeth. She had a long neck, ending with small shoulders. Her hands, too, were thin and ended in small palms. Her fingers were long. Her small breasts appeared flaccid under her blouse. She had a thin waist, like the rest of her body. But this petite woman had two features that captured my attention. She had a pair of tight buttocks that moved seductively when she walked before you. And she had two very shapely and long legs under these firm buttocks.



Jerry was still sitting naked. I could see his tiny stumps twitching ...

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