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We'll Be Home For Christmasthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:romantic, 22944 words)

Author: Doug B.
Added: Nov 07 2008Views / Reads: 1531 / 1029 [67%]Story vote: 9.89 (9 votes)
With her heart broken, her soul crushed and her sprained ankle throbbing, 20 year old Natalie Bennett heads home from college for Christmas and along the way she meets her soulmate, who just happens to be a 32 year old trucker named Erica.

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By Doug B.

Note from the Author:

Hello, faithful readers. FYI - This is a rather long story that delves far more into the emotional, mental and spiritual bonding than the physical passion of the two women as they fall in love. There are also several references to matters and characters of faith and Christianity. So, if you're looking to get hard, wet or off really quick; THIS MAY NOT BE THE STORY FOR YOU! But, if you're willing to invest the time and have your heart warmed and your soul lifted as the passion slowly builds between the characters, then the sex scene, WHICH I PROMISE WILL NOT DISAPPOINT IN THE SLIGHTEST, will be well worth waiting for. Also, this story contains a considerable amount of dialogue, so I have inserted the first initial of the character speaking in ( ) beside the line of speech in order to keep it straight. Hope you'll enjoy.


I think everybody has one Christmas that they will never forget. A holiday tale that is nothing short of magical and divine; just like the reason for the season itself. Sure, we all have our holiday horror stories; probably more of those than we'd care to admit. But I'm ...

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