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Permissionthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 10237 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Nov 08 2008Views / Reads: 3519 / 2871 [82%]Story vote: 8.88 (8 votes)
She wanted to do it and he very reluctantly said okay.

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This is another "Be careful of what you wish for" story. It is a story of how a lot of love can be as damaging as a little hate. It is a story about two people and how they managed to screw up their marriage.


Kathy and I had been married almost ten years. We met as the result of an accident. I accidentally backed into her car in a parking lot. The damage looked minor, but you can never can tell about things like that. There was no one around so I wrote a note and put it under her windshield wiper. She called me that evening about six and I suggested that we get together and exchange insurance information and all the rest of what she would need to file a claim.

She was a college student and had just gotten out of class and my office was only eight blocks from the campus so we settled on a seven o'clock meeting at Angie's which was a student hang-out just off campus. I told her that she would recognize me immediately because it was almost certain that I would be the only one there in a three piece suit and tie. She laughed and said she would probably be the only one there with flaming red hair.

I spotted her right away when I got there. She was sitting in a booth and I walked over, introduced myself and sat down. I asked her if she ...

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