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Seducing The Principalthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:seduction, 13437 words)

Author: Doug B.
Added: Nov 12 2008Views / Reads: 3990 / 3512 [88%]Story vote: 9.42 (12 votes)
18 year old Britney Wilcox is a cunning vixen and an avid sexual hunter who now, in order to challenge herself, has set her sights on seducing the sexy new principal of her high school, 47 year old Dr. Selena Alvarez.

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Seducing the Principal

By Doug B.

Returning to school after summer vacation is always a tremendous bummer. As Britney Wilcox pressed the small red button on her car key, she sighed with a slight hint of despair as her 2009 Corvette convertible's anti-theft system armed. Though this was the first day of her final year of high school, the eighteen year old would much rather be elsewhere; back on Long Island would certainly be nice. Standing a solid 5'9" on a pair of long, immaculately shaped, dark tan legs with exquisite feminine muscle definition that were wrapped up today in skin tight designer jeans, Britney strode sexily like a runway model everywhere she went. Snapping a piece of bubble gum between her pristine, sparkling white teeth, Britney dug into her purse and pulled out her lip gloss. Raising her Prada sunglasses into her hair line, Britney quickly examined her stunning face in the dark tinted windows of her corvette.

Applying another thin layer of cherry flavored gloss to her full and succulent lips, Britney ran her tender sexy hands through her gorgeously full and flowing blonde hair that draped down to her shoulder blades. Quickly glancing over her freshly manicured and polished fingernails, Britney also admired the still glowing summer tan on her sleek and toned arms. With a sly and seductive grin, Britney ...

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