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THE DEEP ENDthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 9690 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Sally Picture in profile
Added: Nov 20 2000Views / Reads: 10039 / 8607 [86%]Part vote: 8.95 (20 votes)
A Housewife plays a hooker to get her Husband a raise. Turns out she likes the feel of another man.

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The Deep End

I'm not sure how one goes about telling their story to reads all over the world, but I'm going to give it a try. Let's see, I'll start this out by tell you a little about myself. At the time of this writing I'm 36 years old. My name is Tina and I've been Married to the same man all of my adult life. I Married Jeff at age eighteen, right after High School. And still to this day, 18 years later, Jeff still believes that I was a virgin the first time we did it. The truth is, I was dating Jeff and went to this High School kids party at his folks home that were gone for the weekend. Jeff couldn't make the party and was mad at me for going without him.

So in other words, we were fighting that night. At the party they had some punch that was loaded. It was so good; you couldn't even taste any booze in it. I had maybe ten glasses of it and was feeling fine. Then all at once the shit hit the fan. I was just flat ass drunk. My girl friends were laughing at me. I couldn't walk or talk straight. I feel down a few times. Not a very lady like thing to do with a skirt on. But at the time I didn't care. It wasn't long after my last slip and fall that Steve, a guy from School offered to give me a ride home. My girl friends all said that I should go home, sneak in the house and go to bed. So the next thing I know, Steve is helping me get in his pick-up truck for my ride home. I don't recall much of the ride home. I like opened my eyes to see that we had parked out at the lake that everyone ...

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