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Sympathy wins out! (3)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 5206 words) [3/4] show all parts

Author: Knob-Out Picture in profile
Added: Jan 14 2009Views / Reads: 1999 / 1763 [88%]Part vote: 9.71 (7 votes)
Took Jayne out for a drink then later at hers I went for pink and potted brown! (If you know what I mean!)

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Sympathy wins out! (3)

Ruth my wife was becoming more and more distant lately. I don't know why exactly. Yes we have the odd row now and again doesn't everyone, I thought we made up reasonably well afterwards but things were just not, well how they should be.

As I said in the beginning she has never had the sex drive that I've had, or got for that matter. For instance; the other night I was in bed lying next to Ruth, spooning her when my cock started to rise instigated by the thoughts of Jayne sucking my cock earlier during the week.

You know what it's like guys, you push your hips forward a bit then a bit more hoping the wife or girlfriend will get the idea and get interested as well, well she did. She opened her legs wide and said, "For Christ sake Tony, just put it in and get it over with will you I need to get to sleep!"

Now with the best will in the world this small talk is not quite what you need to hear to encourage you to have a passionate bout of sex is it? Needless to say my cock drooped just as quickly as it had risen. I told her, "No that's okay, don't worry, your sleep is obviously far more important." I rolled over the other way and within a few minutes Ruth was snoring her head off as usual. ...

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