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Vikki's New Job Part 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 4857 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: AndyJay
Added: Jan 16 2009Views / Reads: 3126 / 2662 [85%]Part vote: 9.18 (11 votes)
Vikki gets her new job but her three work colleagues expect some ectra work from her...

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It was Sunday. The day after the dinner party my wife Vikki and I had given with Vikki's three bosses from her work.

I woke up and glanced over to Vikki, she was still asleep. Tired and drunk when she went to bed she hadn't washed before crashing out and the cum on her face was still visible, as were smudges of it on her pillowcase.

I left her to sleep whilst I went downstairs and started clearing up the mess. Bits of cum were on the carpet and chair, including my wasted ejaculation at the end of the night. The plates and glasses were still on the table.

By lunchtime, the mess cleared, Vikki limped down the stairs.

"My head hurts" she whispered. I got her some painkillers.

"Thanks" she responded slowly, "did everyone enjoy themselves last night?"

"I think so" I replied, "the guys left happy having been sucked off by my dirty, drunk wife before cumming down her throat and over her face. You seemed more than happy to oblige but still failed to guess whose cock was whose. Whilst I had a fantasy fulfilled by watching it all happen". ...

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