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The Wedding Receptionthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1962 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Jan 16 2009Views / Reads: 7829 / 6351 [81%]Story vote: 8.96 (23 votes)
He had some fun and then found out the price he was going to have to pay for it.

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After years of reading slut wife stories in various magazines and on Internet sites I finally have one of my own to tell. It is not about my wife, at least not this time, and it happened at a very unlikely place - my daughter's wedding. The slut? None other that the mother of the groom.

Rick and Anna had been a couple for several years before Rick popped the question and Anna said yes. Jean (my wife) and I had met and had socialized with Rick's parents for over two years. There was nothing about Tom and Denise that would make you think that they were anything other that a middle-aged suburban couple with a stable marriage, but as the old saying goes, looks can be deceiving. The wedding had taken place at one o'clock Saturday afternoon and the reception was being held at our home. About two hours into the reception I noticed that Tom was spending a lot of time with one of Anna's bridesmaids and I wondered about that because (a) the girl's husband was usually a very jealous sort and he hung around his wife like a guard dog and (b) Denise was in the area. But, I was tending bar and I got busy and forgot about it.

About fifteen minutes after I saw Tom and the girl together I spilled tomato juice on myself and I grabbed my younger son to tend bar while I went upstairs to change. I put on a clean shirt and went into the bathroom to wash my face and comb my hair and while drying my face with the towel I heard what sounded like a low moan from the adjoining ...

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