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The Window Ch.3this story is part of the FanClub (ff:seduction, 1749 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: Jersey Picture in profile
Added: Jan 25 2009Views / Reads: 839 / 524 [62%]Part vote: 9.67 (3 votes)
See Chapters 1 & 2

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The Window Ch. 3 by Jersey

Beep, beep, beep...Oh man...this sucks I thought as I rolled over and saw a text from Desiree that it was time for me to pick her up. I slowly removed my warm body from beneath the covers and got dressed while Michelle snored away. In the interim, I text Desiree I'd be there in about 15 minutes or so. As I walked into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth it dawned on me the other 2 ladies were still awake. Holy shit I thought...these two were definitely running on some energizers.

I quietly walked down the stairs, grabbed a sweatshirt and put it on while I exited the house. It was still dark outside and sunrise was maybe in about another hour or so. The temperature was a little brisk and all I could smell was the rain lingering in the air from the night before. I got into the truck, turned it on, and slowly coasted down the long stretch of rocky driveway. I lit up a joint figuring this would calm my nerves before I see Desiree because she was one of those women I had a problem looking in the eyes when speaking to her.

As I continued driving I noticed 2 moose fucking like there's no tomorrow off the side of the road in a bog. "Money shot," I spoke aloud. I reached in the back seat to locate my camera and what else, I forgot it. Beep, beep, beep. I opened the phone and there's a text from Desiree that says I'm waiting with a smiley face. I responded ...

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