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Court Lovers..........this story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 2551 words)

Author: PurpleMistress Picture in profile
Added: Jan 29 2009Views / Reads: 1012 / 807 [80%]Story vote: 9.60 (10 votes)
Although we worked in the courthouse all day, what we did at night was definitely illegal...........

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Evan is amazing. He has the most tantalizing, arousing touch I've ever experienced. If I thought just looking into his dark eyes were taking me to places, his hands and body took me ten-fold. I was enchanted by him.

Doing some volunteer work at the courthouse found me passing his way one day and after waiting at the courthouse lunch room for morning coffee, we chatted a bit while on line.

He has just moved here from California and we talked about how much this horrid winter weather was. He made me long to move to California as he talked about the beauty of it and the warm winter nights. He really regretted that he had to move here but a recent transfer left him no choice. And he just knew he would have to adjust. He hoped he would have to only live here a year but he wasn't sure, his assignment as court administrator would keep him here indefinitely he sighed.

We chatted a little about me for a bit and he walked me back to the fourth floor where I was helping in the domestic violence unit. I was due in court soon to escort a battered woman to appear before a judge so he walked with me back to the office. Once there, I extended my hand and thanked him for the conversation and the escort. We exchanged desks extensions and promised to keep in touch for lunch or coffee or just to chat. He smiled that sexy, crooked smile and kissed my hand as he left me at the door entrance. ...

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