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Megan and Ithis story is part of the FanClub (fm:fetish, 10667 words)

Author: Mike - Story Teller
Added: Feb 02 2009Views / Reads: 897 / 802 [89%]Story vote: 9.67 (6 votes)
All my life I've had a fetish for peeing. It just turns me on in a way I can’t explain. And now with my extraordinary and intimate friend, Megan, I've discovered, to my excitement, that Megan and I share this fetish.

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All my life I've had a fetish for peeing. I can't tell you why I have this fetish or where it ever came from. It just turns me on in a way I can't explain.

Trying to remember back as far as I can, I must have been about five when I started enjoying wet play. I grew up with two younger sisters and I managed a couple of times to talk them into playing with me. But other than that I had to just play by myself, wishing I could share this game with a like minded woman.

But now with my extraordinary and intimate friend, Megan, I've discovered, to my excitement, that Megan and I share this fetish.

Megan and I first met a few years back when we worked together at a sub sandwich shop. She was an innocent young thing of seventeen years and having been raised in a conservative household, she was very naïve about most things. I was much older than she was and had become an older brother figure to her. Working together for a couple of years we had become very good friends.

Because we were such good friends, she soon trusted me with discussing personal things because she knew I wouldn't make her feel foolish, particularly things of a sexual nature. As time went on, we became very comfortable with talking about sex and had fun with a little sexual bantering between us. Then after one shift, when the bantering ...

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