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An Unexpected Catchthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 5118 words)

Author: LEATBT Picture in profile
Added: Feb 19 2009Views / Reads: 5789 / 4863 [84%]Story vote: 9.58 (12 votes)
Three old ex fishermen get there best ever catch in a seaside hotel. MMMF

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Late autumn, and once again I find myself sitting in the corner of a familiar cosy hotel bar on the edge of the small seaside town of Rye in Sussex.

For longer than I care to remember, I have visited this same hotel twice a year with old friends John and Pete. We used to come here to go sea fishing, but we decided a few years ago to give that up. Now in our early fifties, the good food, easy company and convivial bar seemed more agreeable to us than wallowing in a cold boat all day, so the decision was made to continue the weekends and drop the fishing.


Now, this is a small 18th Century hotel carrying a nautical theme. The small lounge bar is full of large comfortable armchairs, so as we sat chatting, it was easy to 'people watch' as the bar began to fill with small groups and couples having a quick drink before setting out for the evening. Polite conversation with strangers is the norm here, due to the confines of the place, so I was surprised when everyone's attention was drawn to two couples that burst through the door in a flurry of giggles and loud voices..

They had obviously had a few drinks already, and as they pushed their way to the bar, one of the men announced that he was going to buy everyone a drink. ...

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