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Meeting Amythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1065 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: trainer
Added: Feb 27 2009Views / Reads: 1279 / 4 [0%]Part vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
A true story on how I met my wife

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This is a true story of hoow I met my wife and started dating.

It was a coule of weeks before Christmas and my friend Len ask me if I would like to go to a Christmas party. His girlfriend Jen worked at a local nursing home and ask him to go. She suggested he ask me to go also. I had gone with Len to visit her at the nursing home and she had noticed I was attracted to some of the nurses and aides that worked there. There would be several of them there unescorted and she thought I might hook up with one. To be truthful, I had really noticed one of the aides. She had a large set of tits, I am a tit man, they were not extremely large but they sure looked good to me. So I said yes I would go.

I picked up Len and we drove to the local firehall where the party was. Once inside, I looked around for Amy. To my dismay, she was with someone. Jen, Len and I sat at the table right behind Amy and her date. After the meal, there was a short program and then dancing.

We had turned our chairs around to face the dance area and I was directly behind Amy. I had danced with several of the unattached gals but there was no feelings between us. I was still attracted to Amy. Amy's date excused himself and went to the restroom and she turned around and talked to me. When her date returned, she turned and talked to him, but as she talked to him, her hand was running up my leg. I was glad she could not get high enough to feel the woody I was ...

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