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Job Interviewthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 1045 words)

Author: Don Abdul Picture in profile
Added: Mar 09 2009Views / Reads: 3332 / 2759 [83%]Story vote: 8.08 (12 votes)
"Oops! I’m sorry", Street smart Veronica said as she bent down to retrieve her purse, as she did so, the man (interviewer) who was still standing, got a full down blouse view of her gorgeous tits... Find out how she "performed" at the

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Job Interview

Copyright Don Abdul (c) 2007

Waiting her turn in the reception area of the office, Veronica's smiles belied her internal turmoil and self-doubt. "What am I even doing here?' she asked herself, as she sized up the other girls that had turned up for the same job interview. They were every bit as pretty as she was, and she suspected some even much prettier.

If ever Veronica had on redeeming virtue, it is borne of her street-smart realization that she is not the ‘smartest of blonds'; she chuckled at the thought. Back at school, her grades were barely good enough to enable her graduate. As she sat and waited her turn, she decided if all these other girls were smarter than she was, then she had to find her own edge over them. She struck up a light conversation with the girls closest to her, and before long, the combination of her sweet angelic smiles, and her self deprecating humour encouraged the other girls to open up to her easily.

As veronica's name was being called to enter the interview room, she turned over the bits of information she had gathered about the other girls, and realized she needed to do something bold if she was going to get the job. As she entered the room, she smiled as she saw that the interview panel was made up of just one middle-aged man. Her mind ...

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