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Tattoothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 11432 words)

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: Mar 30 2009Views / Reads: 3162 / 2553 [81%]Story vote: 9.00 (11 votes)
A simple tattoo changes a man's entire life

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At 41 Brian Somers was considered by everyone who knew him to be a Teddy Bear. He stood well over six feet, athletic almost to a fault, and appeared as though he could wrestle a Grizzly Bear, taking it two out of three falls. In addition to that, Brian was ruggedly handsome looking and was considered "quite the catch" by many of the women who worked at his office.

Which was one of the reasons everyone had been so surprised when Brian and his wife of over 15 years were suddenly divorcing. Brian had come home from work to find a note waiting for him on the coffee table. His wife had fallen in love with her boss. Just like that, it was over. They had not had any children. Gayle had been incapable of having any, which was just as well under the circumstances. Even so, the divorce had been hard on Brian. He became a bit of a recluse away from work, refusing to go out and socialize though his best friend Larry, who'd also been his best man at his wedding, tried every trick in the book to get him to start dating again.

The day a sweet spirited young woman half his size, if that, came to work at his office all that changed. Christy was five years younger than Brian, not exactly petite by any means she stood barely over five feet with long blonde hair that hung well down to the middle of her back. Larry, also single, began hitting on her immediately. But was ...

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