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Tight Jamthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 1549 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Don Abdul Picture in profile
Added: Mar 31 2009Views / Reads: 4474 / 3481 [78%]Part vote: 8.79 (14 votes)
Just A Couple of months after shy Stan joined the firm, rumors filtered down to the resident sluts about how well hung he was. The race to snare him in their wet panties heated up, but it was the boss’s daughter who breasted the tape. Read the story and f

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TIGHT JAM (The Seduction)

Copyright Don Abdul ©2008

Stan walked into Peggy's office carrying a box of spreadsheets and other documents she had asked for in her email. They got right down to business and soon got lost in their work. As an assistant in the accounts department, Stan could easily have handled the entire tedious task on his own. However, being the daughter of the company's owner and C.E.O, Peggy has had to prove herself and justify her management position over the past couple of years by showing she wasn't afraid of hard work. On this particular occasion however, her motives had less to do with justifying her senior position.

Stan was only about a couple of months old in the company when rumors started making the rounds about how well hung he was. Within days all the resident sluts were crafting plans of action to snare him into their panties, the immediately apparent problem though was in the fact that he was a shy and quiet man. Hardly surprising considering that he was one of only three black employees in a predominantly white privately owned company. He therefore had no idea what intricate web he was walking into.

Earlier that day, Peggy had clicked on the send button, thus crossing the point of no return in her audacious scheme for satisfying her ...

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