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I'll show you mine if...Chapter Onethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 9577 words) [1/8] show all parts

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: Apr 03 2009Views / Reads: 8992 / 7881 [88%]Part vote: 9.63 (35 votes)
Step siblings enjoy an erotic adventure together

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I'll show you mine, if you show me yours. - Chapter One

I was too young to remember when my mother and father divorced, vaguely even remembering when she remarried, and upon doing so, suddenly inheriting an older sister. And perhaps it was because I was so young at the time that I didn't really mind it either. I now had someone to play with, especially as Kristine, though she later went by Kris, was quite the Tom Boy while growing up.

Needless to say, we grew close, we'd always been affectionate with one another, sometimes to the point where her father, my mother would caution us about getting "too" friendly with one another at times. Though usually, that was all that was ever said, just periodic precautionary warnings that never really led anywhere. As for Kris and I, we'd behave for a while, and then slowly allow our playful, innocent attractions reestablish themselves. Eventually, our parents gave up trying to separate us emotionally, especially as we'd never given them a real reason for concern. At the time, sex just wasn't an issue for either one of us. Maybe we were too young, or maybe we'd simply not considered the possibility of that as we happened to live in the same house together or something. But we were close. Perhaps closer than a real brother and sister would have been.

And not to say I didn't occasionally get on Kris's nerves, or she mine. We did. Just like any real siblings might have. We had our moments. ...

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