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Bad to Worse??this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1805 words)

Author: Mr Deviant Picture in profile
Added: Apr 04 2009Views / Reads: 635 / 526 [83%]Story vote: 7.75 (4 votes)
A gentleman's day starts off really bad, but does it end up better or worse?

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It started simply enough. I had had the day from hell and expected it could get no worse. I was wrong. When I awoke in the morning I was already an hour late since I had not changed the clocks appropriately when daylight savings time took effect, then, to make matters worse, on a day I had the most important meeting of my life to take place, I got not one but two flat tires in the worst possible area of the Pacific Coast Highway.

Great start to a day right? It got worse from there. My boss, the president of the company, told me that because I was not there on time and appropriately attired, in other words spotlessly dressed, the Japanese consortium that we were dealing with considered themselves insulted and refused to do any further business with our company.

It wasn't like I hadn't called to make them aware either, because I had, but still I lost my job in only a matter of minutes after we lost the contracts with the Japanese. Now, the company I work for does very discreet work for the government so I can't describe it exactly since that would land me in a federal penitentiary for the rest of my life but suffice to say that the Japanese were very necessary for my previous jobs operational goals.

So, as I am chartering a car to take me back home since my company car went with the job, I realize I am a bit too old to start looking for work again. A search made all the harder when you can not look in your ...

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