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My girl Rayathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 1901 words)

Author: nycbabe
Added: Apr 12 2009Views / Reads: 2776 / 2359 [85%]Story vote: 8.67 (6 votes)
A story about my best friend and first love, Raya.

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Let me tell you about my friend Raya. She was from a very strict upbringing. A childhood friend, I often was confronted with her restrictions of what she could and could not do according to her religion and her overbearing parents. She went to an all-girls Catholic school as a precaution from men. Since her parents were friends with mine, I had known her for years. My parents were not nearly as relgious and overbearing as Raya's even if we attended the same church. My parents always told me it was different for girls. I never understood that and left it at that. I was a constant playmate for Raya and as we got older I was pretty much her constant escort to school daces and such. Her parents expected me to look out for her I guess, and protect her virtue was my thinking.

One would think she would be shy and withdrawn but she wasn't, In fact, whenever she knew she was away from her parents, she was rather outrageous. I never gave it much thought. That's how she always was until we were both in college. She had me over to her dorm room quite often as she was one of the few girls on campus that had a single room. We often talked about classes, homework or whatever. She did most of the talking because I was always distracted by what she wore. She always lounged around her dorm room in the thinnest shortest white t-shirt. It was so old and transparent, she may as well have been naked. I could see the dark areola and nipples on her large breasts as well as the shadow of her black pubic hair quite easily. She wore no underwear and no bra, either. I once asked her about her attire and ...

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