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Palazziothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 4337 words)

Author: Priaputo di Venezia
Added: Apr 16 2009Views / Reads: 2054 / 1258 [61%]Story vote: 8.00 (2 votes)
A naughty girl at a Venetian party

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George's business associate and close friend had invited him to Venice. The purpose of the visit was to celebrate Francisco's birthday. His family had owned a Palazzio for generations. Another close friend of his would be responsible for organising the food and the chef to cook it. A third friend, an Italian like the host, who was a wine importer in the City, would use his contacts to furnish the party with very fine wines. George's job was to provide the entertainment, and after he and his occasional lover Lisa asked around amongst their extensive list of fuck buddies, he found Jayne.

George had been looking out of the window at the gondolas on the canal. Venice was as picturesque as he'd imagined, but when he turned back into the bedroom the view inside was infinitely more attractive. Lisa was clicking the shackles around Jayne's ankles. Jayne was lying on her front, her legs wrapped in fine nylons were pulled apart, drawn by the clasps around the ends of her fine calves, via fine stainless steel chains to the posts at the foot of the bed. Jayne could move, but only limitedly. She could stick her arse in the air; she could get on her hands and knees, but couldn't turn over. But whatever Jayne did, her naked pussy would be accessible, and there was nothing she could do about that. Lisa had put her in a position whereby she could be taken at will by anyone who fancied filling her cunt. George knew Jayne, who had developed submissive and exhibitionist streaks would acquiesce, and welcome any stiff dick that pressed against the opening of her vulva. After all, that's the reason why she agreed to accompany them to ...

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